2025 4th International Conference on Smart Grid and Green Energy (ICSGGE 2025)
Keynote Speakers
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Keynote Speakers

Prof. Zhaoyang Dong

City University of Hong Kong, China 

Prof Z.Y. Dong is a Chair Professor and Head of Department of Electrical Engineering at City University of Hong Kong. His previous roles include Singapore Power Group Endowed Professor and Co-Director of SPG-NTU Joint Lab at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore; SHARP Professor of Energy System and Inaugrial Director of UNSW Digital Grid Futures Institute, the University of NSW, Australia; Director of ARC Research Hub for Integrated Energy Storage Systems; Head of School of Electrical & Information Engineering, The University of Sydney; and Ausgrid Chair Professor and Director of Ausgrid Centre for Intelligent Electricity Networks provided R&D support for the Smart Grid, Smart City national demonstration project of Australia. He also worked with industry as manager for power system planning with the transmission network service provider of TAS in Australia. Prof Dong's research interests include power system planning and stability, smart grid/micro grid, smart cities, renewable energy systems, energy storage systems, and energy market. He is a Fellow of IEEE and has held editorial roles for several IEEE Transactions and IET Journals.

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主讲嘉宾-Prof. Roc Xunpeng Shi.jpg

Prof. Roc Xunpeng Shi

South China University of Technology, China

Xunpeng (Roc) Shi is a Professor of Energy and Environmental Economics and Sustainability and Research Principal at the Australia-China Relations Institute, UTS; President of the International Society for Energy Transition Studies (ISETS); and a Council Member (President, 2016-2018) of the Chinese Economics Society Australia (CESA). His research interests cover the full spectrum of energy, climate change and other environmental issues in economics, policy, and sustainable development, with regional focuses on Australia, China, ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations), and Northeast Asia.
He was listed in 2020 as Australia's leading researcher in the field of Environmental Law and Policy, the top 2% of the world’s top scientists in the energy field, and the top 2% of authors in the world’s largest database of economists (RePEc).
Roc has received research grants from the National Natural Science Fund of China (NSFC), the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia, the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia, and the National Foundation for Australia-China Relations.
He serves as a Specialty Chief Editor of Frontiers in Environmental Economics, a co-Editor of Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy (SSCI), an associate editor of China and World Economy (SSCI), Energy Economics (SSCI, A*), Energy Engineering (EI), Journal of Environmental Economics (in Chinese), and other editorial roles for more than 10 journals.
He has worked in the energy sector for more than 25 years in roles spanning industry, government and research institutes in Australia, Brunei, China, Indonesia, Singapore, and an international organisation.
He holds honorary positions at Nanjing University, Shanghai Univerity, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, and the Center of Hubei Cooperative Innovation for Emissions Trading System.
He has advised international organisations, including ADB, and the International Group of LNG Importers (GIIGNL). Currently, he is an advisor to Global Gas Center (GGC), APEC Sustainable Energy Center (APSEC), and UN ESCAP and frequently participates in the United Nations and other international policy debates.
He is a recipient of the British Chevening Scholarship, Rio Tinto -ANU Graduate Scholarship and Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-financed Students Abroad. He has received a Master of Laws from the University of Dundee, a Master of Environmental and Resource Economics (MERE) and a PhD in Economics from ANU.
Incredibly driven by his work, Roc’s ultimate aim is to promote the cost-efficient transition to a low carbon future while protecting vulnerable stakeholders through research, service and global leadership.